8/28/2000 Meeting Minutes
Present: Bill Mace (CC), Carl Schoner (IS), Christine Terry (SCE), Co Ho (FC), Diane Mendoza (SCE), Jean Guyton(IS), Mike Kessler(IS), Nilo Niccolai (FC), Paul Hamblin (CC)
Absence: Frank Smith (CC)
Welcome & introduction: Diane Mendoza, Christine Terry will
represent School of Continuing Education; Bill Mace is an addition from Cypress
Project Scope review: Project Scope document was approved with the
modification to reflect the project sponsorship of all four entities in the
district (IS, FC, CC & SCE). Copy of EWPATAS architecture overview slides
last meeting, and sample reports from FC was also distributed.
Data element review & analysis:
What information is required at the State level (MIS) and at the
campus level reports?
· At the state level MIS report, the data requirements are: a) total hours b) per student c) by each class
· For credit hours the reporting will be rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes. For non-credit hours the reporting will be rounded up to the nearest hour. (These policy parameters were provided by campus management and therefore will be configurable input parameters to the system.)
· The non-credit hours reported must be free of “double-dipping” overlap of any credit hours the student received. The general guidelines are: Non_Credit_Hours = (Actual_Time – Credit_Hours) – Arranged_Hours. For example, if John Doe was in a non-credit lab from 7:30am – 11:30am (actual_time), and he was supposed to be in his English class from 8-9am (credit_hours), and he was also supposed to practice for his Piano class from 10:30-11:15am (arranged_hours), the non-credit hours reported to the state will be: (240 min. – 60 min.) – 45 min. = 3 hours, after rounding up to the nearest hours. (The specific implementation to calculate the hours will be customizable for each campus).
· In the old legacy system, these reports were the 7020, 7050 and 320 series.
What information is required at the lab manager level reports? (FC,
At the lab manager level, all actual detail information about each
clock in and clock out of each student will be available. This includes the
student’s ScanID, ScanSectionNo, SiteNo, Date, TimeIn, TimeOut as shown in Appendix
A. The definitions of the data elements above are:
ScanID: A unique ID, which the student uses to scan in and out of
a site. Often a barcode number represents the student Perm ID. However, to
provide immediate access to the facility, a temporary ID could be used and
reconciled with the student Perm ID later. The details of the temporary ID
mechanism will be determined later with our technical resources. This process
also makes an assumption that the EIS system will have a mechanism defined to
reconciled duplicate student Perm IDs within the EIS system.
ScanSectionNo: A unique ID, which represent the student time
allocation. Often this is a barcode of a class section number or an activity.
For example, if John Doe is taking two math classes, which utilize the same lab,
he can scan a class section barcode before scanning his ID to designate the time
spent to that one class instead of the other one. ScanSectionNo 000000 is set up
and defined for students who do not use any ScanSectionNo when they use the lab.
SiteNo: This is a unique number to represent a facility using the
EWPATAS system in a campus.
Date, TimeIn, TimeOut: This is the date and time stamp indicating
when a student comes in or leaves the facility. The student time spent in the
facility cannot span two dates, for example a student cannot come in a lab at
10pm and leave at 1am. A TimeOut of 00:00:00 means the student did not clock
out. A TimeIn of 00:00:00 is reserved for internal purposed by the system.
Beside the detail records of student usage stated above, the lab
manager will also have access to usage statistics of the site. For example,
break down summary of usage pattern for each hour, by day of the week will be
available as shown in Appendix B.
What information is required at the class level reports? (for
teachers, students)
Each instructor who wants to track his/her student lab usage will
have access to a weekly report similar to the sample shown in Appendix
C. If a student did not allocate his time explicitly using the ScanSectionNo,
his usage hours will be split evenly among all of his classes that utilize that
particular lab. In the example of John Doe, who has two math classes previously,
if he did not designate his lab time in the math lab, each of his two math
teachers will see half of his time on the weekly report.
Each site can also customize the following parameters: a) The
default minimum time spent if a student forgot to clock out (for example, all
students will receive a minimum of 15 minutes even if they spent less than 15
minutes in the lab); b) The default maximum cap for time spent (for example, cap
a student time spent of more than 6 hours to 6 hours).
Review long term schedule
Sep. – Oct. 2000: Analysis & Requirement phase
Nov. – Jan. 2001: Design phase
Feb. – Apr. 2001: Development phase
May 2001: Alpha testing period (defined as having at least one
TKstation running and interfacing with the EIS system to produce data which
could be used for verification purposes only, not to be reported to the state).
June 2001: User training for beta testers.
Fall 2001 (August): Beta testing period (defined as having the
whole campus at FC, and one site in Cypress running TKstation and fully
interfacing with the EIS system and the new student ID to produce data which
could be used to report to the state).
Review short term plan
Action Items:
Next PTO meeting is scheduled for 9/18/2000 from 1:30 – 3:30 at
the same location (district IS conference 2) to go over system functions and
wish list with site representative.
The October PTO meeting will probably focus more on technical
issue with SCT representative available to discuss the technical feasibility of
interfacing with the EIS system.
Paul Hamblin will present a general assessment regarding the
Cypress lab.
Co Ho will prepare a software package (TKstation 4.2) for Cypress
to install for the prototype.
Paul Hamblin and Bill Mace will find a machine and barcode scanner
to be used with the prototype.
Co Ho will put together the System Requirement documentation.