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Purpose of this document: Software Development processes often go through the following stages: Scope, Analysis/Software Requirement, Design, Development, Alpha Testing, User Training, Beta Testing (pilot), Deployment, and Post Implementation review. This document will attempt to outline information from the Scope stage.
Statement: Implementing a
district wide positive attendance tracking and accounting system, which will be
based on current development (EWPATAS at FC) and will interface with the new EIS
system. The system will be open-sourced, and will adhere to standard
technologies. Project design considerations are high Availability and
Extensibility, good Performance and adequate Security
project scope: We intend to
use the software district-wide (FC, CC, & SCE) with the following targeted
to generate data required by the MIS State Reporting
to provide data for analysis and forecasting for top management and lab
to report lab usage hours for teachers and students
The system will
provide standard functionality for level 1, but should be flexible enough for
specific implementation changes at level 2 or 3.
Dependency: The project is
also a part of the larger EIS conversion currently taking place in the district.
Progress on this project will affect the Electronic Attendance subsystem of the
EIS. Changes in other subsystems such as student permanent ID and the
registration process may also potentially effect this project.
sponsorship: The development
of the project is sponsored jointly by the District Information Services, FC
Academic Computing Technologies, CC Academic Computing, and the School of
Continued Education. Each campus will be responsible for the deployment,
testing, maintenance and support of the project in production.
resources: We will start with
the following resources:
From IS: Jean Guyton, Mike
Kessler, Carl Schoner
From FC: Nilo Niccolai, Co
From CC: Frank Smith, Paul
Hamlin, Bill Mace
From SCE: Christine Terry,
Diane Mendoza
There will be
changes in resources and participation as the project progresses through
different stages for effectiveness.
Earliest Estimated Deadlines:
Since the project is dependant upon the EIS deployment, the earliest time line
for deployment of the project will be Summer 2001 for beta and Fall 2001 for
production deployment.